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Thursday, February 2, 2017

2 years Cancer free and counting

Wow, 2 years!!!!  WTH, it seems like yesterday and my memories are still so clear.  Why is it when something so traumatic happens you have those dates/times etched in your mind.  I can remember every detail with every second.  2 years today at almost this exact time, the skilled surgeon was digging around my belly and extracting everything that cancer had effected.   2 years ago today I marched into that pre-operation room like a Boss and at that moment I felt like I could beat anyone's ASS.  2 years ago today the absolute only thing I wanted to do was see my children again:(  2 years ago today I battled the absolute hardest thing ever in my life.  2 years ago today I woke up to see my husband smiling down at me with those magical words that I wanted to hear, "He Got it all :)"

Today is a mixed of emotions for me. I should be doing cart wheels around the house and partying like an animal.  I decided that each milestone I reached after I was diagnosed would be a celebration but then life goes on.... We don't really celebrate the way I had in my head.  One reason is I don't expect anyone to remember this day the way I do so I don't really want to make a big deal out of it.  Also after 2 years I don't remember all the good, the sad parts of this all are still there and doesn't really put me in a celebratory mood.  I wonder when I hit the 5 year mark if I will be more at ease with the fear of a recurrence?? Only time will tell :)

I would be lying if I said that everything has been rainbows and sunshine for the last 2 years.  It has been an up and down roller coaster for me and I have said in the past that I am still working very hard to figure this all out.  Sometimes I don't even believe that I went through what I did and am doing as well as I am today.  Then other times my mind gets foggy and takes me back to this whole experience with a overwhelming sadness that I had to go through it but hell it also makes me so pissed that anyone has to go through Cancer!  

I have lived more the last 2 years that I probably have in most of my life.  I have done things that I always wanted to do.  I have let a lot of shit go that has been trailing around my adult life for some time now.  I have learned to not force relationships with anyone, family, or friends.  I am me and if you love me you love me but if you don't I am ok with that also :) . I do tell the ones I love often how much they mean to me :) . I take better care of myself then ever!!  Most of all I do try to live my life to the absolute fullest and I do know that nothing is guaranteed in life but we need to just keep on making every second count while we are here!!!!!