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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Summer to do list

It's been a while since I have wrote anything just simply because it's been busy since we got back from Baltimore.   Kids are out for the summer, and full of energy.  Work is busy but one thing I have learned is that I won't get everything done, it will all be there tomorrow waiting for me ;)  Health, knock on wood, is good :)   Just busy, busy.

There are a few things going into this summer I wanted to accomplish and actually made a mental note of them:
1) I wanted to purge my house, clean out my closets, attic and everything else.  Basically get rid of a lot of crap that we don't need or that is just taking up space.  I managed to do almost exactly that and filled my garage over the last oh.... 6 months full of all the junk I speak of :)  I have told my husband that I would be having a garage sale because I wanted to give the proceeds to a near and dear charity- ACPMP- Appendix Cancer/ Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Research Foundation. To be exact a dear woman in my life and her late husband started a Pub Crawl to raise money and awareness while he was fighting this cancer and she has carried it on in his name.  She is amazing to me and so many others so I really wanted to do something to help.  Needless to say, garage sales are such pain in the butt I put it off until I just woke up and said I had to get it over with.  Threw it together in 2 days and a huge success!  Many friends that I knew would buy stuff and donate even more for the cause.  Love them!!!  Not only is my garage empty, I get to give this money to her and this foundation so I am over the moon excited, even if it was a headache and I will never do it again lol!!

2)I went into this summer wanting the boys to stay busy with different types of activities and so far I have accomplished just that.  The have had a few day camps, a over night week camp, coming up on sports camps and lots of just all around outside activities.  Sometimes the oldest tells me he would much rather work on his "You Tube"channel but then I explain to him that when I was growing up I was always so jealous of the kids that actually got to do something for summer break.  I worked all the time from a young age and did not have the luxury of going to camps or let alone anywhere.  Needless to say they are having a blast and I love the memories they are making!!

3) Summer vacation was up in the air.  I knew that I wanted to do something great but I was leaning more towards camping in the West.  To be honest, going anywhere for me was wonderful because we would all be together.  My oldest reminded me that next summer she will be graduated and hopefully doing her internship with the FBI which would lead no time to family vacations with us.  So what better to do, let's go on another cruise!!  The kids love it, we love it and we can go to so many cool places all at once.  So about 2 weeks ago thats what I did booked a family cruise, and we leave in 3 weeks.  This is the shortest notice ever to a vacation planned by me.  I am such a planner but obviously that all went out the window when I got diagnosed.  I don't plan too far ahead anymore :)  Why not last minute trip planning, that's how we roll now!

There are a few things that I wanted to do more of this summer and so far this has not really worked out. I really wanted my boys to spend more time with family.  I feel like they are only getting older, time flies and I want them to get some good family time in before they are to cool for that :)  Also, I want some great quality time with our friends but everyone is so crazy busy! I was really going into this summer thinking my hubby and I would get to do some nice adult quality time and once a week was my goal. Not doing so good on that, I actually think since the beginning of May, we have had one adult night..... Disappointing but there is still time :)  I really don't like the phrase that life just get's in the way.  I know that I use to say that when I didn't get to do something that I wanted to do, or goals I had set or even see the people I wanted to see.  I don't say that anymore because we are ALL busy with life, work, kids, etc.  It is up to us to still make time for the things we want to do, the goals we want to accomplish and the family and friends that we want to spend time with.  If you think about it, we can make a million and one excuses of why we don't do this or that and that can really cause someone to get stressed out!   I am going to keep pushing ahead and even through the busy hustle and bustle, I am going to accomplish the goals that I set for this summer :)