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Monday, December 5, 2016

"Tis the Season

As the snow fell and the season is in full effect, I am feeling very grateful.  This time of the year holds some of my darkest memories through the years.  December 5th is a new date that is stuck in my mind.  Today is one of those anniversary days I wish I didn't remember or even think of.  The day December 5, 2014 was the day my life would be turned upside down, twisted around and changed forever.  Who would have knew that no symptoms, no signs, absolutely nothing that would lead to a  a cancer diagnosis.  I would have to say my memory is not the best the older I get....but that day is branded in my brain forever.  It is no different then the day I met the love of my life, or when I delivered my babies, and even when I have lost the ones I love.  I can remember like it was yesterday when the doctor said he wasn't going to tell me what they thought it was because I would start getting on the DAMN internet! Well I have a hard time listening to directions, so the internet was the very first thing I did after hearing Pseduomyxoma Peritonei...... I couldn't even pronounce it, WTH :(  Every step of the process I remember.  I remember trying to find info and there was not much out there at all.  I remember calling the American Cancer Society and they did not even have it listed so they couldn't help much.  I remember all the sleepless nights.  I remember everyone I spoke to telling me that this was different, the treatment was different, and the outcomes were going to be different.  I remember feeling somewhat inspired that Audrey Hepburn had the same exact diagnosis as I did and they think she had it over 20 years before she passed.  Kinda morbid but that is what I was looking at, survival rates, how long did I have, etc.  The task at hand was to get through through the holiday though since we were so close to our favorite time of the year. My kids had to have a Great Christmas no matter what.  I was in a fog but I did just that :)

Jump forward to last year at this time.  Treatment was over in Feb 2015. Mother of all Surgeries was performed to extract the cancer and everything else that could go. I was living life to the absolute fullest and then my doctor calls and tells me he is pretty sure my cancer is back.  Talk about getting smacked upside the head and falling on your ass once again. Now I was going into the 2nd Holiday season, almost within days of my original diagnosis and bad news once again.  As if I needed another cancer anniversary date to remember.... So what do I do,  I had to get through the holidays again and basically figure out a way to put this in the back of my mind until the season had passed.  Jump forward to the middle of January last year and  I ended up getting GREAT news tin he middle of January from a second opinion.  The cancer was NOT back as far as he could see and to keep on, keeping on :) .  Hallelujah!!!

Present day, I just got back a couple of weeks ago from Baltimore with the best news ever.  The first time in 2 years I get to celebrate the holidays without any bad news hanging over my head.  No signs of cancer for me, they call it NED-no evidence of disease.  I have a huge love for NED, he is one sexy beast to me :)  So what better to do then Celebrate every second of these holiday days!!!!  We decided that we would have a Party with all of our friends to kick it all off in a couple of weeks.  Then on to our family holiday traditions that we do every year.  This year is going to be different for me though because I have nothing but happy tears coming from these eyes!

2 years ago today my life did take a very dramatic turn but it effected more than just me.  I am happy that I have some type of reprievement this year and so does everyone that loves me who has been walking by my side through this all.  I am still a survivor and still have no guarantees in life but who does ;) . I do know that this anniversary date is going to be a day that is branded in me just like the other important ones, and I am grateful for that because I know how truly blessed I am to be here :) .  Merry Christmas!!!! Love you all :)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Shaking off the FUNKS

The last month or so has been a whirlwind of emotions for me.  I have realized I have sunk down into a sadness that has been very hard to fight my way out of.  Throw in some ups and downs with physically feeling not so well, that is just the cherry on top.  I find myself being more sad than happy lately and that really just ends up pissing me off.  I pull myself away from everyone once again because of this, and tend to want to be alone and hide. I climb my way out for some time but I am definitely in a funk more than not.  I was told from the beginning that it is completely normal to have some depression when it comes to getting sick, it is just I did not have much of that until now.  Why now, going on 2 years since I was diagnosed?  I cannot wrap my head around it, but it sure is sucking!

So now the question is, am I not physically feeling good because I am sad?  The aches, pains, tiredness, and all the nausea could just be a form of me stressing out.  Or is it more..... That is the absolute worse f#)*#$# thing about cancer.  Every little step has got me questioning what is wrong.  I have talked about the good that has come out of being diagnosed when it comes to living every second to the fullest, but there is the worrying about my health that is the absolute worse.  I know some people understand but if you have not had anything life altering like this happen, it is damn near impossible to explain.  I am jealous of those that seem to have found the absolute perfect formula to keep their shit together lol!  I really thought I had that formula also but I am failing big time :(

I know there are many people that suffer the same ups and downs and every ones situation is completely their own story.  I make a lot of excuses of why I feel this way but at the same time I do not talk to many people about it at all because I think it shows signs of weakness. I don't want to sound down and out because that means I am not doing what I promised myself and others that I would do... dwell on the uncontrollable things :(  

I was told that I needed to write about it because that is one thing I have not been doing at all lately.  I put writing this off for weeks even though I just knew I had to.  I am coming off a family filled weekend that has put things in perspective for me yet one more time.  Not only did I get to see my family and we do not get those opportunities nearly as much as we should but I also had no time to analyze how I was feeling and why I was feeling that way.  Wouldn't you know that smack middle of my dear grandfathers speech, I lost it. Yep, I am a wedding crier in general but it all came out listening to my 86 year old grandpa talk to his granddaughter on her special day.  I then decided nothing is going to stop me once again, that exact moment!  If I don't feel good, I just don't feel good.. I am not going to let it control me.  If I am sad or upset about something, that is ok!  Most of all if I am funky, I can be freaking funky, it is OK!

The rest of the night, I danced like no one was watching, sometimes even by myself lol!  My husband, who just does not dance... also danced away the night.  We celebrated with our family at my beautiful cousins wedding and nothing else mattered.  These moments are what will keep me going, I promise :)

Saturday, September 24, 2016

When did I become so indecisive????

In the last month or so I have decided I don't like anything around our house the way it was.  I am sick of the colors, the decor but basically just the whole space.  I think after 14 years of basically the same around our house, I am searching for something completely opposite.  However, this is where my problem starts!  I use to be that person, "The Person" with everything that had to be planned, detailed and penciled in.  I knew exactly what I wanted always, if that makes sense :)  I thought my sense of style and direction was perfect for us.  Now fast forward to today and I have just this week realized that I am not that person anymore.  I can't make up my mind for the life of me!  I don't know what we should have for dinner.  I can't decide what we will do for the day.  Don't ask me the plans, because I don't know... or I will forget.  I will always put maybe by the invitation because I just can't decide for sure or maybe I just don't want to spend anytime, at that moment because I have time later to decide.  Now back to the house.... Can't someone just come in and tell me what flooring we should pick out, or what colors we should go with?  I am seriously at that point because I just don't know :(

I want to say though I have somehow through all this become somewhat of a ditz. I am not at all stressed about these lack of decision moments.  I simply just don't seem to give a shit, is that bad?   How do I go from being what I thought to be, put together with plans to simply not even knowing from one moment to the next what is going to happen.  Then to not even really care and to just throw it up into the air with no plans at all is just mind blowing compared to my life just short of 2 years ago.  

The one thing I have been doing is thinking about why I have changed in this way.  I am not saying it is bad at all, and actually I am happy that I loosened up a bit :)  I do think that it is hard to plan anything when you are diagnosed with cancer.  When you don't know what is going to happen from one moment to the next, it is hard to make plans period.  I have wrote about this before and I will continue to say that it is easier said then done on the worrying scale.  Part of me wants to and has jumped all in, saying how I feel, doing what I would have never done, spending money like there is no tomorrow and living life for every second.  I have to say that is completely opposite of the "me" before cancer:) The other part of me still has that little terrifying voice that says, should you be doing this, maybe it is not a good idea to make such irrational decisions, don't cause waves by speaking your mind and definitely don't make plans so far in advance just never know.

I do want to cherish these moments of no plans and just going with the flow but I also think I need to pull it together for some things.  I shouldn't have to ask my good friends to remind me of upcoming events for school, that is just pathetic :)  I don't want to live with any regrets but I must remember that some things will never change so why do I feel like I need to tell everyone how I really feel.  The house situation I need to just go with my gut, don't second guess the decisions and just do them!  Although, I do think I could use some help on those decisions ;)   The only dates that stick in my head always, are doctor related dates... those are the ones I don't want to remember! Just maybe I will start putting other things on my calendar so I am penciled in for other events besides the stinky ones, this may just help:)  I will let you know how or if this works for me in the future:)  For today though, I am going to make decisions on a few things I have been putting off.  I need to live the in a way that I speak by simply living for the moment and not putting things off for tomorrow!!! Wish me luck :)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Days like these..

It's been a while since I wrote but we have had a busy summer.  Summer has basically come and gone in a blink of an eye.  We are wrapping up our end of summer activities as the kids have all headed back to school.  Even though our summer went so fast we sure did get a lot of memories packed into it.  In between our running around and living life there were a few moments were I would have to continue the fight to stay positive and strong but isn't that the same for everyone... not just those with cancer?  I call these moments funks... I get into funks sometimes but I don't let myself stay in those moments for very long. The longer you allow it the harder it is to get out of.

Today is one of those days that someone once told me I would have from time to time.  It all started with a full day yesterday at a bridal shower for my cousin and then the day led into a full day with my daughter which is always refreshing.  Coming home last night, on the long drive home by myself with the radio off,  my mind went to what I loved about the summer but then what I also despised.  You all know what happens when you start thinking about "stuff" before you go to bed?  Dreams, and sometimes just crazy ass dreams!  My dream consisted of a list that I was making, literally a piece of paper and pen list that I was making of what I was grateful for but then what I was sad about.  Some examples of my list would be, how I am so sad that my kids did or do not get to see their family more than they do but I am so grateful that they do not notice it or are bothered by it "YET" like I am.   Something in my dream last night that was crazy was how I want to move, like far away move and start fresh somewhere new, sell everything and start over....  Then of course I went straight to something stressful in my dream.... Health Insurance.. SMH!  I was thinking about everything that I was going to have to do to try to get covered because no company would cover me anymore with my pre-existing history.

So when I woke up today and started reflecting, I can literally pin point why I was thinking about it all while I slept.  The family thing has been on my mind much more now since cancer then ever.  I am sad that there is not more effort being put in by family when all this time could be gone before any of us know it.  Although I am sad and sometimes just disappointed becasuse I was hoping my situation would make them try harder :( I also am learning to not allow myself to waste time on those thoughts because that is something I cannot change.  Now let's go into moving :)  I have told my husband for the last year that we should move and the funny thing is I just realized why I keep talking about it!  As crazy as it sounds, I am trying to run/escape from the last year+, as if I could move somewhere and it would just all go away lol!  That is the crazy in my head for sure ;)   The insurance is on my mind and as much as my husband tells me we will figure it out I gotta say I am scared.  I am so pissed at myself for even thinking about it because it literally is what it is and I cannot do anything at all to fix it! We are losing our insurance at the end of this year and our state is only offering HMO plans moving forward for us.... Fast forward, my doctor is in Baltimore so nothing will be covered for me unless a insurance angel comes and saves us from this Health care black hole.  I hate even including this all in my thoughts or dreams because I know that there are so many out there in much worse insurance shape as ourselves but I gotta say this whole Insurance situation for everyone has me on fire!

Lots of tears started my day with this all being fresh in my mind.  With all of this being said I am now sitting here counting my blessings for so many other things!  I am so grateful for all those that I love that make me and my kids feel it on a daily basis :) Our family circle is not all blood relatives but family none the less.  Also, how lucky are we that we can escape reality by traveling!  My husband said we are making up now on traveling for all those years that we would hardly leave our house :)  The insurance we will figure it out and like I said before I basically live one day at a time and that day is not here yet so we will just think about it later as it comes:)

Days like these are completely normal and I just have to fight them off from time to time.  The most important thing that I have to tell myself is every second I spend on sad thoughts is time I could be spending on living life to the fullest :)

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Summer to do list

It's been a while since I have wrote anything just simply because it's been busy since we got back from Baltimore.   Kids are out for the summer, and full of energy.  Work is busy but one thing I have learned is that I won't get everything done, it will all be there tomorrow waiting for me ;)  Health, knock on wood, is good :)   Just busy, busy.

There are a few things going into this summer I wanted to accomplish and actually made a mental note of them:
1) I wanted to purge my house, clean out my closets, attic and everything else.  Basically get rid of a lot of crap that we don't need or that is just taking up space.  I managed to do almost exactly that and filled my garage over the last oh.... 6 months full of all the junk I speak of :)  I have told my husband that I would be having a garage sale because I wanted to give the proceeds to a near and dear charity- ACPMP- Appendix Cancer/ Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Research Foundation. To be exact a dear woman in my life and her late husband started a Pub Crawl to raise money and awareness while he was fighting this cancer and she has carried it on in his name.  She is amazing to me and so many others so I really wanted to do something to help.  Needless to say, garage sales are such pain in the butt I put it off until I just woke up and said I had to get it over with.  Threw it together in 2 days and a huge success!  Many friends that I knew would buy stuff and donate even more for the cause.  Love them!!!  Not only is my garage empty, I get to give this money to her and this foundation so I am over the moon excited, even if it was a headache and I will never do it again lol!!

2)I went into this summer wanting the boys to stay busy with different types of activities and so far I have accomplished just that.  The have had a few day camps, a over night week camp, coming up on sports camps and lots of just all around outside activities.  Sometimes the oldest tells me he would much rather work on his "You Tube"channel but then I explain to him that when I was growing up I was always so jealous of the kids that actually got to do something for summer break.  I worked all the time from a young age and did not have the luxury of going to camps or let alone anywhere.  Needless to say they are having a blast and I love the memories they are making!!

3) Summer vacation was up in the air.  I knew that I wanted to do something great but I was leaning more towards camping in the West.  To be honest, going anywhere for me was wonderful because we would all be together.  My oldest reminded me that next summer she will be graduated and hopefully doing her internship with the FBI which would lead no time to family vacations with us.  So what better to do, let's go on another cruise!!  The kids love it, we love it and we can go to so many cool places all at once.  So about 2 weeks ago thats what I did booked a family cruise, and we leave in 3 weeks.  This is the shortest notice ever to a vacation planned by me.  I am such a planner but obviously that all went out the window when I got diagnosed.  I don't plan too far ahead anymore :)  Why not last minute trip planning, that's how we roll now!

There are a few things that I wanted to do more of this summer and so far this has not really worked out. I really wanted my boys to spend more time with family.  I feel like they are only getting older, time flies and I want them to get some good family time in before they are to cool for that :)  Also, I want some great quality time with our friends but everyone is so crazy busy! I was really going into this summer thinking my hubby and I would get to do some nice adult quality time and once a week was my goal. Not doing so good on that, I actually think since the beginning of May, we have had one adult night..... Disappointing but there is still time :)  I really don't like the phrase that life just get's in the way.  I know that I use to say that when I didn't get to do something that I wanted to do, or goals I had set or even see the people I wanted to see.  I don't say that anymore because we are ALL busy with life, work, kids, etc.  It is up to us to still make time for the things we want to do, the goals we want to accomplish and the family and friends that we want to spend time with.  If you think about it, we can make a million and one excuses of why we don't do this or that and that can really cause someone to get stressed out!   I am going to keep pushing ahead and even through the busy hustle and bustle, I am going to accomplish the goals that I set for this summer :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Up and Down just like a roller coaster

Wow, it seems so long ago that I jumped on the scariest roller coaster ever!!!  It has only been 18 months since I heard I had cancer and to buckle up because it was going to be a crazy ride.  Reflecting back, it has been crazy with every step of the way! I would't say that it is hard because really what choice do I have.  I knew that I would have to just deal with whatever was handed to me in life and the same goes with my cancer diagnosis.  The absolute hardest part of this ride... (I do call it a ride :)... is that it is a thief of time.  It steals time from my family, my friends and most of all myself.  There is no easy remedy to not worry, or at least that is what I have learned and been told along the way :(

Today I sit here looking back on the last year and half all that has happened.  December 2014, I was told I had a super rare cancer and no one knew what to do with it or what comes next.  January 2015, we spent the whole month trying to find the perfect doctor to treat this, with little information out there because it is such a weird type.  February 2015 is the month I lost 9 organs, and all my cancer at the same time in one monstrous surgery.  March 2015-November 2015 I lived my life to the fullest, awesome vacations, working on myself, doing things I had never done and enjoying every second, except of course the 3 month scans :(  The day after Thanksgiving I received a call from my doctor who simply said, "We see 2 spots, and we don't know what they are but they have been there the whole time so we will look again in a couple of months, I will call you on Monday and we can talk more.".... I did not get that call, and never heard anything again.  December 2015, exactly one year from my diagnosis, I had to find a new doctor, although the original surgeon was remarkable, it was time to move on and the search was on again.  January 2016, found a new doctor, an unbelievably great one to say the least and flew to Baltimore to meet him and we found out that whatever it is was is so small they cannot call it a recurrence.  He sat next to me going over every inch of my scans and I left there feeling like I was going to be Ok, until my 4 month alarm went off and it was time to see him again.  I just got back from a vacation of a lifetime and I was a hot mess to say the least leading up to this last appointment, never had I been so bad before!  Bad dreams, anxiety attacks, and I cried as much as I did when I found out I had cancer.  This was a big appointment for me, so as I sat in the office my mind was going back to full on mom mode, when I would schedule my surgery if my cancer was back,  and who would watch the kids, etc.  The doctor walks in and said on this scan they see nothing, no small spots, nothing at all.  Wow, I was just the lowest I had been mentally since my diagnosis and now to just be raised all the way to the top with those words of not seeing anything!!!  I had some questions and of course CT scans aren't 100% but I had to take those words at walk away with my ticket for 6 more months of living, and not worrying :)

That timeline basically shows you how I have been up to the highest peak on the roller coaster to soaring down to the lowest, then back up all within moments of one another.  It can do a lot to someone that has to go up and down like this.  However, I am getting use to my ups and downs and I remind myself that in life we all have these crazy roller coaster rides, although not exactly the same but a ride it still is :)  Everyone handles their rides different, for myself I have been coming down from this ride the last week or so.  My adrenaline rush has died down a bit since my last doctors appointment and I have been hiding out this last week to just regroup.  I think that is normal right? I was basically holding my breath up to my appointment and I feel like I just came up for air.  Now with my new stay out of jail for the next 6 months card, I need to get back to living damnit!!

Today I woke up feeling funky again so I just knew I had to release my thoughts on my blog and get past it.  Today I am going to start a fresh, enjoy my summer with my kids,  and spend lots of time with my family/ friends.  If I am going to be riding this roller coaster, I am going to throw my hands up and enjoy it along the way :)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

How do I even try to explain what it feels like.....

Busy living life the last couple of weeks with very little down time since we got back from our whirlwind vacation :)  I always say when you go on vacation, you need a vacation when you get back home from your vacation :)  It took me a good solid week to get out of my post vacation depression, I was worried for a little bit that something was wrong because I could not get caught up on my sleep! All good now:)

In just days I will be flying to Baltimore again for my next scan.  Slowly over the last couple of weeks my scanxiety has started to walk closer and closer to the cliff edge.  My dreams/nightmares have started and almost daily I have a brand new one.  There is so many things that I need to do and plan for this summer but I just cannot bring myself to do any of them until I get back from this appointment.  I tell myself over and over, that I cannot do that but I just can't grab ahold of anything until this scan is over.

I was telling one of my really close friends the other day about one of my crazy dreams.  I told her that in this dream I recruited all my closest friends and made them swear they would pick my husbands next wife and step-mom to my children.  The weird thing was the way each friend reacted was exactly the way I would have expected them to react, one saying "Hell yes" I will take care of it, the other crying uncontrollably and then one actually telling me that he didn't need to remarry and she would stop any of that lol!  So after I told my friend about this dream, not only did I sound like a psycho but I wondered where the hell was this all coming from.  Easy answer, It all goes back to my scanxiety for this damn scan!!!!

She told me that I can't tear myself up like this every time before my appointment and although she was right I told her it is really hard to even explain what goes through my head closer to the time.
I gotta tell you that I do really good up to a couple of weeks before but then the gates of craziness open in my head and with no turn off button.  

How can I even explain these feelings to someone that has not been in my shoes?  I guess running through a mine field comes to mind.  I have used the example of a verdict, you are waiting for your life's verdict.  It is like making an appointment and finding out if you have more time to live without cancer.  Everything you do present or future relies on what happens during your scan.  I go to bed with it on my mind and wake up with the same thoughts. It is the scariest feeling I have ever had in my whole life and I don't think there is any way to get around it.  

I am sure there are other warriors out there that have figured it all out, or found a way to not waste time on worrying before their scans but I am just not that good...... as of yet.   I know how I feel but words are just not adequate enough to explain it.  There are people in my life that I know have the same anxiety over my scans but maybe not the same way.  Then there are others that just don't even talk about it, so I don't know if that is their way of dealing with it or maybe it just does not affect them in any way because it is not their own battle?  

I had a wonderful night with some of the greatest friends and last night I actually didn't have any bad dreams.  Now if I could only do that every night for the next 5 nights, just to get me through this week that would be great!!  I don't want anyone to think this is a sign of weakness or that I don't have a positive attitude because that is not the case!  I am strong and very positive, but unfortunately these appointments are my Kryptonite.

I know that no matter what happens that I am in the best medical hands and I also know that in life we have no control over these things.  In some ways I consider myself lucky that I have a chance to go for scans to make sure that we do catch anything.  So many people don't get those chances in life because it is so unpredictable.  Until then,  as always I do believe in the power of prayer and if you all could include me in your prayers for a positive outcome this Friday,  that is all I will ask of you:)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Blog's 1 year anniversary :)

It's been a little bit since I have updated my blog but then tonight it hit me that I started this blog a year ago.  I remember talking to some of my closest family and telling them I just had a head full of craziness going on after my surgery and it was giving me so much anxiety.  I couldn't get my words out when asked how I was doing, or what was I thinking about.  Everyone was telling me to journal or blog and one day, not knowing what I was doing, I just did it.  Wow what a difference that made for me!! To just get my feelings out was almost like seeing a therapist :)  I have reflected back on some of my post and they make me smile and cry all at the same time. It seems like so much has happened in the last 12 months but yet it flew by so quick.

This blog has been so much to me over the past year.  It has shown my cancer journey, no subject left unturned.  How I am scared, happy, blessed, depressed, and even just confused all at the same time.   It has shown my vulnerability with life in general.  I have been able to write about life lessons so that maybe someday my children can read about how I lived.  In the back of my head If something happened to me I want my children to be able to see a different side of me as they grow into adults. I have always tried to live a "Real" life but after I got cancer, I made sure that I don't try anymore, I just do :)  When I write, I am me and it feels so good.  It has taken my 40+years to be able to say that I am not scared of what people think but that is one of the biggest changes I have seen since being diagnosed.

Along the way somehow I inspired people and I never thought of that when I started this blog.  Complete strangers have reached out to me from all over the world and that is simply amazing :) I have found that there are so many different faces that are affected by cancer.  Even though we are all different, and our stories are not the same, we are still united by our journey.  It was hard for me to read other people's stories at first because I would end up so sad. It may seem crazy but It is different now.  I pray for peace and a cure for them and myself as I read because at the end of the day that is what really we are all wanting.

I hope that everyone can find some kind of outlet to release their feelings like I have.  It has been a life changer for me, and I am so grateful for those that pushed me to do it!!! xoxoxoxo

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Maybe if I don't think or talk about will just go away?

I am a  little superstitious, I actually got it from my grandma growing up.   These little superstitions have carried into my adult life and in  some ways I use them now more since cancer entered my life.  FYI I have to start saying cancer more because my husband says that I always use "diagnosis" instead, and I think I do this to cover up that nasty word.  Anyways, one of the things I did was I told myself that I did not want to watch anything on TV or movies that had anything to do with cancer.... do you know how hard that is!  This is not working out so good for me because as much as I try to not see these things, it is every where.  We watched "Creed" last night and I cried through the whole damn movie!!  After the movie I could have kicked myself because then I go to bed and what do you think keeps me up all night?? Yep, Rocky Balboa losing Adrian and then getting cancer himself..... Crazy I know but I speak only the truth.

Back to my superstitions, I really somehow have it in the back of my mind if I keep telling myself I'm good and not talk or think about it, then I won't jinx myself to it coming back.  I don't know if you will understand this if you have not had cancer but I wonder if other people with cancer do anything remotely close to this.  It is easy most the time because everyone is living their lives and since I am doing good, it is not discussed.  When I do talk about it to say someone I haven't seen in a while, I just laugh it off and talk try to lighten up the conversation.   Otherwise, like I said before I stay so busy that I don't give myself much down time to think about it.  I don't know if this is a cover up from reality or if it is just my new normal of living life to the fullest? 

I have had so many other cancer warriors reach out to me over Instagram, who would have thought!  I had no idea how different social media could be especially the difference between IG and Facebook.  It is totally two different communities.  I have met so many wonderful people from all over the world on IG either by them finding me, maybe through a hashtag or me finding them.  In one way or another we all have been effected by cancer, some still fighting or some just learning how to live again.  For some reason I feel on IG I am more raw and vulnerable to my feelings because my followers understand so I don't hide anything.  We don't all have the same cancer, actually like always no one really has ever heard of mine but I can say the same for some of their types of cancer.  The reason why I do like IG so much is because I feel like I am not as terrified to talk about cancer as I am in every other part of my life.  It is very surreal feeling for me because it is like having two separate worlds.  There is my IG world where I meet so many people, am not afraid to reach out or talk to complete strangers, and most of all not afraid to talk about how I am feeling.  Then there is every other aspect of my life that if I don't talk about it and in some ways just ignore how I am feeling physically and mentally maybe it will all just be a dream... a part of my past :)

I have been analyzing this all because that is what I do :)  I need to blend both of these sides together.  I cannot be afraid of my reality, if you think about it I am only just a year out so it is still fairly new.  I don't want to go around and make cancer the topic of all my conversations either but reality is that it is there and I cannot just push under a rug or ignore.  Also, I did nothing to jinx myself to get cancer in the first place,  cancer does not discriminate and like I said before there is nothing anyone can do to stop it from happening..... this is my opinion only :)  I also think that as much as I have enjoyed meeting so many people on Instagram, I could totally do that in my everyday life.  I cannot hide behind this because, HELLO it is in front of my face.  I don't want to think about it every day but what has happened to me is not just going away.... So it is better that I put my big girl pants on take on this new reality.  I have no control of what the future holds for me but I do know that this is a part of me now and it has nothing to do with being superstitious :)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Be Kind, seems so simple.

Today a business acquaintance came in to my office and as he stood in front of me I saw something in his eyes that I don't think I had ever seen before.  This man is a tough man, a tell it like it is type of guy that I would say could be a real jerk if he really wanted to be.  Over the years, there was only one time in that I can say I knew something must have been bothering him outside of normal business stuff but today was a little different.  He came in today to ask me for help.  His mother took care of his books, payroll and anything financially related since he opened his business over 20 years ago.  Today he was trying to cut checks, invoice jobs and do sales tax because his mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  As he stood in front of me and explained her situation and how it has already spread too far for any real treatment, he couldn't look at me anymore.  This man didn't want me to see how upset he was.  I start to cry but then pull it together because I know he is trying very hard not to let it all go himself.  Of course I told him that I would help in any way I could and I know that his business has been tough the last year so when he told me he can't afford much I explained that I don't need anything.... that really was the farthest thing on my mind.  He is a small business owner with just a couple of employees so in all reality he is telling the absolute truth and right now, in that moment the last thing he needed to think about was how to pay me for a couple of hours here and there.  He turned to walk out and simply thanked me for listening to him.  All I did was listen, something so simple to do but to him this seem to make a difference in his day.

On the way home tonight this car behind me was going crazy, trying to pass everyone they could and scaring the crap out of me at times.  As he passed a row of cars, the car in front of me decided that he was going to chase this car down.... Complete road rage!  I couldn't help but think that someone was going to get hurt, or even shot by the time this is all over.  My mind started wondering off into, why was this car in such a hurry and how I always got a good laugh when we all end up at the stop light at the same time :)  It was then that  the original crazy driver pulled into the hospital and then the car chasing him started to pull in but then I guess realized what was going on and decided not to pursue the road rage?  Ok, this isn't the typical fast driver story, passing everyone just to get to the hospital but it did get me thinking how no one knew what was going on with this driver.  You just automatically assume they are being an ass or just irresponsible.   I always wonder why people are in such a hurry, nothing is worth risking your life over.  Or I think slow down, it is really not that serious but today was different, it gets you really thinking more about what people are actually going through.

Some people have a really easy time not letting anyone know what is going on in their lives.  Then the other side of that is the people that want to shout it from the roof tops and tell everyone what is going on and then some.  Today was just another reminder of why you can't judge a book by it's cover.  These types of situations happen all time, and they constantly remind me that things may not be what they seem.  We all have different battles on a daily basis that we are fighting. It is a part of life. This goes back to one of my posts where I said it is much easier to smile to someone than to not smile at all.  A smile can make someones day, It has made mine many times!  Same theory, being kind to someone, listening to them or simply smiling can make a world of difference.  It is so simple and easy in the grand scheme of things, don't you think?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I finally realized the number on the scale is not as important as my health :)

This is going to be a very vulnerable post for me because I am going to talk about things that in the past I would have never addressed simply because I was embarrassed of myself.   In my past, my personal self image was always a real challenge for me. I focused most my life on what the number read on the scale rather then what actually made me healthy.  I never spoke about this, mainly because I have a daughter and there is so much pressure socially on our young children.  I don't know how many people felt the same way as as I did but I always felt like I could be skinnier, my complexion could be better, my butt was too big, my boobs were to small, my teeth weren't straight, my hair was a frizzy mess and I just wanted to be like Kelly Ripa when she was on Dance Party USA :) Was that too much to ask?  ;)

I always felt like I was the sister that got jipped in the looks department.  My sisters are gorgeous, tall, skinny and just beautiful ladies and I would find myself getting really upset when people would say they look just alike... I can remember my mom would always give me the ugliest hair cuts growing up, I mean U G L Y!  Looking back in the pictures I would never have done that to my daughter just saying :(  I  was the daughter that followed directions, didn't have to worry much about and didn't complain much.... the "pay no mind" daughter.  We did not have a structured up bringing so a square meal with good food at our house never happened.  I remember going to my grandmas for all my schools breaks and she would feed me whatever I wanted.  Which ended up being all donuts, McDonald's, Dairy Queen, pop, and candy galore because I never got that at home.  So my weight definitely suffered on and off through all my teenage years.

In high school I would have one year where I would starve myself, by eating one meal a day.  Then the next year I would try to join in with all my friends and eat what they ate, chips, dips, ice cream, etc. in return my weight would blow up.  Then I would repeat it , one year skinny, next year chubby. I never exercised or did any activities because I worked all the time and went to school.  Not an excuse looking back but the truth.

I met my ex-husband in high school and I actually lived in my own apartment while I went to high school and worked full time.  I really gained a lot of weight my senior year, into the summer after graduating.  I remember gaining around 45 pounds in 6 months and my thighs were covered with bright red stretch marks to show just how fast I was growing.  My ex did not seem to be bothered at all about my weight so it did not bother me.... I thought.  I stayed that same weight until after we got married and had my daughter.  At that time I started to focus my life around my beautiful baby so I did not eat all that junk that I had in the past.  I started noticing that if I ate smaller portions that my weight came off.  Then a new confidence arose, so I started doing some physical activity.  I remember in one day I would only eat a yogurt, a pear, and some soup.  I did that for 6 months at least.  That same time my grandmother passed away and I stopped everything, eating, working out, I was very depressed.  That's the same time my first marriage ended so with all going on, my health was the last thing on my mind.

 I was still very thin, I weighed 124 lbs and I am 5'7, a few family members even told me that I was too thin and it didn't look good on me.  At that time I met my husband who almost immediately noticed my eating habits, or lack of and called me out on it.  He told me that I needed to eat more and he personally liked women to not be so skinny.... Well hell that was like heaven to me because I knew I was going to marry this guy immediately and he told me to eat!!! Winner :)

I stayed a healthy/ok weight through my sons being born, not at all skinny but I was comfortable in my own skin.  Until my sister told me that I had to wear a mermaid style dress to her wedding, dear lord she had no idea what that was going to do to me!!! I would try to go back on a quick fix diet and working out but hated every second of it.  I tried nutri system, weight watchers, Atkins, diet pills, you name it I tried it.  I would lose 20 lbs and then gain it all right back.  I hated, hated, and did I say hated working out!!! Not my thing at all and could not get into it.

Through the last couple of years I felt like my health was just blah to say the least.  I did no physical activity, I would consider myself lazy actually looking back.  I never thought I ate a lot but I think my portions were bigger than they should be and I had a sweet tooth so bad that I could skip a meal and go straight to the desert :(  I blamed this on my age, saying that being almost 40 sucked, and I must be going through women changes early.  My heaviest weight of my life 214lbs right before I found I had cancer..... Could you say I was a little bit in a funk :(

That is when I went in to have the out patient surgery and was diagnosed.  Through the stress of finding out I had cancer along with immediately eating less I lost 15 lbs.  When I found out what my treatment/surgery was going to be I knew that my health was going to play a pertinent role in my recovering so the juicing started and trying to do some physical activity to prepare.  It was like a light switch went on and I knew how important my body/health was and that was going to either help me or hurt me going through this all.

I pushed myself after my surgery to start immediately walking, and ended up doing laps on the hospital floor, 60 staples, drains and NG tube all in tow.  I joke and say I lost 20 lbs in the hospital but 17lbs were organs, but really when I came home I was down to 175lbs and keep in mind, this is 2 months from diagnosis. I kept doing laps around the house, and 10 minute trips on my treadmill.  The hospital did not give me many tips on my healing but I knew that Protein, and walking would help with my recovery and I kept losing weight but most of all feeling better.

It took a while for my eating to have some normalcy, I had so much removed that it messed with what I could eat and how much.  My servings were small so I ate something protein related every couple of hours.  Gradually increasing my walking and eating better, I noticeably started feeling better and after just 8 weeks I started going to a PT to increase my activity.  This was all so new to me because I actually enjoyed working out, walking and eating good.  I noticed how much better I felt even after the Mother of All Surgeries.  I was eating better, getting more nutrients such as vegetables, and protein which I had never done in my life.

I am now what I consider a healthy weight give or take 10lbs but don't we all :)  I do something physical 6 days a week, whether its walking a couple of miles to doing a circuit work out, I make sure I don't give that up because it feels soooo good!!.  I am still learning the best ways to eat since I am a new me but keeping those portions down has been a key.  I use to look at working out and eating less as a diet.  Now after being diagnosed with cancer, exercising has helped me fight off the depression and tiredness that comes along with the treatment.

I do feel better than I have in years and now completely get that we only get one body and we need to take care of it.  No longer am I feeling jipped, or worried so much about the small petty things like a smaller butt, that only took 42 years to figure out :)  My actual weight does not matter either,  I am more concerned with simply living the best I can moving forward.  I figured out that in all actuality everyone is so different, that size or shape has nothing to do with living a healthy life.  Also, fast results are not long term results.... Patience is key to any change in your life :) This is another "I wish I knew then what I know now" moments in life.  My new perspective on living has so much to do with living a healthier life, and I know that some things are out of my control but I do have control of how I choose to live moving forward :)

Monday, March 7, 2016

The "C" word hurts now more everytime I hear it.

I was having a deep conversation with my Husband this weekend about everything that was going on in my head when I then told him how hard it is for me to even hear of someone else that has been diagnosed with Cancer, let alone someone that has been taken by this ugly disease.  I had to get this off my chest after following Joey & Rory's story for the last year.  She had fought so hard, holding on to miracles but then lost her fight this weekend.   It's hard to really explain because I know that I always had empathy for those affected by cancer in the past but it just feels different now.   I feel as though I always did my part by donating often and showing as much support as we could but the difference is that I did not have anyone close to me that was ever diagnosed with cancer.  Call me lucky but no one in my immediate family had to deal with cancer before.... until me :(  I am glad it was me though and not any of my loved ones, however leave it to me to get the off the wall ones that no one has heard of!  One of the things I noticed is how many people had a story of cancer with themselves or a loved one but I never heard anything about it until I was diagnosed.  Was I just blind to how many people this affected or was it just because it was not that close to home...... I mean it was always so heartbreaking to hear about, especially those that had to suffer but I took the news different before.  

I can remember my husband getting the call that his brother was diagnosed with cancer just months after my big cancer surgery.  That hit me in the gut, HARD... I have pretty much watched his brother grow up and I just never thought this would be part of his life story.  I could not stop crying, I mean ugly crying that my husband could not even get me to calm down.  How does this happen so close to my diagnosis, it's like lighting striking twice in the same place!   How does he find out he has cancer immediately following the news that he was going to be a father for the first time?  Of course then the "Why" questions started, even though I do hate asking the question "Why" because nothing good can ever come out of those.  There is a different understanding between us now though, he understands the anxiety issues or even gets the hyper sensitivity to getting sick because he now has to live the same way as I do.  Even though we both had different types of cancers with different types of treatments we both went into beast mode to kick some serious butt and his last scan shows no cancer and he finished his treatment just in time for his first baby boy's birth:)  

I joined a few support groups for my cancer because I thought it would help me after I got diagnosed. The only problem is I really had a hard time when someone with my cancer was not well, or when someone passed on.  I could not stay part of the group, how bad is that!  My cancer is so rare that to find a support group in the first place was very exciting and then I could not even handle it was just so pathetic.  Opting out was my way of putting my blinders on to the stories that come along with a cancer diagnosis, like it was going to go away or something.... I even spoke at a symposium for the surgeon that performed my surgery in hopes that would help me in some how deal with just absorbing the "C" word but it still has been such a struggle.  I have found a different avenue though to in some way be part of those that are affected by cancer, even though we all might have different diagnoses we do have something still in common.  

Now let me talk about the kids affected, these poor kids!  WTH and how does this even happen to these children that have not even gotten a chance to live their lives. I am just beside myself thinking about these kids going through these treatments that some adults cannot even handle because they are so hard!  I am going to pull out the fair card and say how the hell is it fair at all for a 2 year old to get terminal cancer!  I cannot even put into words how pissed off I get when I see yet another child with cancer.  While some are able to fight through their diagnosis there are others that do not even get the chance from the beginning.  If I didn't hate cancer enough, when it comes to these kids, I am at a complete lost for words.  Again there is no answers :(

It doesn't matter if it is someone I personally know or someone that that is a complete stranger,  it all hits me the same.  It affects me more than it had ever affected me before and just the simple "C" word brings on a whirlwind of emotions.  I cry, I get mad or I am just simply speechless.  I think of how they feel when they hear the word?  Do they have any idea what this journey will mean for them and their family?  Or even how this word is a complete life changer, a complete turn your life upside down, shake it all around ... changer!!! I feel like it is everywhere and so many people are affected by this in one way or another.  Since that is the case, everyone should be fighting for more research and cures to ALL types of cancers.  We have come a long way but there is so much more we can do.  I was naive to the statistics of cancer before, 1 out of every 3 people will have to deal with it in their lifetime... I get it now.  It's such a nasty word, but reality is that it is part of my life forever now.  It's just another part of my new normal, and it will never be the way it was before. It is going to continue to hurt, I just have to learn how to not cry every time I hear it :(

Sunday, February 28, 2016

What does friendship mean to you?

This last week has me really thinking about friendships in general.  So many people I know have had some hard decisions to make this week when it comes to their personal friendships.  Whether it is questioning who their friends really are, or if they did something wrong to tarnish a friendship along the way.  It has made me really ponder about what it means to me to be friends with someone and what it means to me to have someone have me as their friend.  When I was younger I worried so much on who likes me and how many friends I had.....  It is drilled in our heads at a early age to be someone that people like and the more friends we have the happier we will be?  As an adult I knew that having quality friendships would outweigh all others and that is what I wanted in my life.  I have never been shy about showing my friends how much I love them or reminding them how lucky I am to have them in my life but since my diagnosis I have made sure they know this every chance I get.

I have been best friends to the same girl since I was 13!  We have not missed a beat in life and have honestly, in every sense, held each others hands through some of the best and worse times life has given us.  She has been in the delivery room when I was delivering my 9 pounder, and actually almost got kicked out because she couldn't stop crying :)  She held my hand as I had to go say till we meet again to my grandma who was my other best friend.  She was my maid of honor for both of my marriages.... She kept my crap together when I couldn't and I put her in line when I had to ;)  It doesn't matter that we have not lived within 4 hours of each other in over 20 years either. She is my Thelma!  What do they say now, ride or die friend lol!   When she found out about my diagnosis she became very depressed, she said we were suppose to out live our husbands together and give everyone hell along the way.  I know how lucky I am to have her and I would say she knows how lucky she is to have me too ;)

I have so many dear friends in my life that would do anything for me, and vice versa.  Some I have had forever, some I have met along the way and others that I feel like have been placed in my life for a reason.  There are those ones that would just call or text to ask me how I am doing even though they have a pile of life on their plates full as full could be.  The friends that would include me in their plans with some of their friends so that I could be included in their festivities:)  The friends that would make meals, come over with little goodies or just send some flowers to tell me they love me.  I also have so many that I would call a friend but maybe we don't see each other as often or speak to each other that often but when we do it is like no time has passed at all.  I have met some really great friends in just the pass couple of years that I know will be around for a lifetime and those are just as special as some of my oldest friendships:) I feel like true friendships are just like family to me :)

This week there have been some different situations that I have seen made me stop and think what exactly friendship is all about.  Believe me NO one is perfect and I have been guilty of some of these things in my past but we learn as we go. This is just my opinion so do with it what you want lol!  Do not wait until someone is gone to express how you feel about them.  If you have the opportunity in the present make sure they know because paying someone respect once they are gone does not matter much if you could have made amends in the present :(  That's why I sound like a broken record when I say tomorrow is never promised....  If someone you considered to be a good friend has done something that has hurt you, please talk to them about it.  Nothing good comes out of just shutting them out of your life or not at least giving them the opportunity to explain their actions.  Remember that this is someone you considered a good friend forever, do not waste any time on ill feelings without at least telling them how you feel.   Also, friends/family should be good listeners. Listening means just that, if someone confides in you, do not tell anyone those things.  It is between you and them!  Please do not be one a one sided friend.  Friendships should go both ways!  The very last thing I think is soooo important is do not talk to someone else about how you feel, so don't talk behind someones back!  We are grown ass adults, if you have a problem or concern, go directly to that person.... as long as it is something that has to do with you and your friend directly.  Again, maturity goes a long way because you do not want any regrets in life.

Watching all these different scenario's this week has really made me appreciate all my dear friends in my life.  I have said before that I will not have drama in my life, because it is energy spent on negativity instead of energy spent on living. Life is too short!  So I will exit from those situations quicker then they happen :)  I would choose having my dear friends around any day and I am so excited to have some new friends in my life that I already feel like I have known for years. That's what friendship means to me, new and old, its about good people in your life that you care about and that generally care about you. Don't wait for tomorrow to value what you have today, that is one thing cancer has taught me tenfold. What does friendship mean to you?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Things I wish I realized when I was in high school :)

I have really had a hard time going to sleep at night.  I can't really put my finger on it and am trying to do different things to help myself get some rest. One of those is to make sure while I am laying there with spinning thoughts in my head,  I am only thinking happy ones while I close my eyes.  With that being said, last night when my head hit that pillow I started compiling a list of "What I thought I knew" when I was growing up.  I found myself really getting a kick out of what I would tell my high school self today:) I am pretty forgetful so it is important for me to write these down sooner than later so where better to write them:)  I am really curious who else ever thinks about these things or is it just my new crazy mind:) This is exactly what I would say:

1) Try harder in school, School is important!! You do not go to school just to for social reasons, such as parties and who's dating who.
2) Wear whatever you want. Nobody will notice the name brands and no worries if they do. Really who gives a crap.
3) Get involved and join choir, who cares what people think! Do something you enjoy, even if you aren't the best singer :)
4) Your hair is really not that important, and it is as big as you could possibly get it. Also, the ozone layer could really use a break from all that Rave!
5) Don't park your car away from everyone else because, Hey, you have car and who cares if it's a 74 banana yellow Vega :)
6) Girls can be so mean, so don't waste your time on those friendships because they really aren't friends in the first place.  Just stay completely clear :)
7) As mean as girls can be, Boys are just as weird. Remember that boys think a lot different then girls do , and you will NEVER understand them ;)
8) Dressing like a twinkie with your bestie was cute, or at least you thought it was ;) 
9) 40 is really not that old! and not everyone has a life expectancy of 60....
10) Please look into going to college, you could have totally done it on your own!!! And you will save yourself from getting your degree at 40, while working full time and raising a family... Ugh :(
11) Work was important for you to survive but you will have the rest of your life to work 40 hours a week. So take some time off.
12) Not everyone is going to like you, and that is ok!! Don't change yourself to try to impress people. It's nothing you did wrong, it just is what it is....
13) You have no idea what Being in "Love" is. It's completely fine being single and you will probably have more fun than the "In Love" teenagers:)
14) When someone asks you what you want to do when you grow up, while being a mom is great, maybe not the thing to stride for so young...
15) Making mistakes are part of growing up. You are going to make a ton so don't dwell on them. It's what you learn from the mistakes that is most important.
16) You are not going to miss anything important so who cares if you can't go to the party in the cornfield on Friday.  There is always next time :)
17)You are not fat... Why do all girls think they are fat! 
18) You are not indestructible, don't be naive.  Anything can happen at any time so never put yourself in bad situations.
19) Purple passion is not as good as you think it is :)
20) Don't be in a hurry to grow up, enjoy your time in the present and most of all enjoy being young:)

There are a couple more but I will keep those to myself ;)  I think the biggest thing is that I wish I didn't grow up so fast.  That wasn't completely my choice because of my environment but I wish I slowed down and just enjoyed being a young, care free person.  I do have some regrets from the past but who doesn't.  Now I refuse to have any!

I am grateful for all the memories of the past, present and future.  In reality doesn't your past make you the person you are today? Deep night time thoughts, aren't they great:).  I could always take that little pill my doc gave me to help me sleep but I choose to just let my mind go to all bananas with these crazy memories :):) As long as they are good ones, right!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Do you ever question yourself?

It seems so easy to question myself sometimes on how I handled things or even how I process my thoughts.  I was actually thinking of everything that I want to blog about and that list is a mile long.  Then all of the sudden I was questioning why I wanted to write about certain things, why did I feel certain ways and was I wrong for having these thoughts.  I vowed when I started writing my blog that I would write what ever was on my mind for my own therapeutic selfishness.  However today I was backing off all the voices in my head... So why am I questioning myself?  That is going totally against the promises that I made with myself so I am fighting off those thoughts with my blog today and I am going to just keep writing what is on my mind.

Last week I had a rough week.  There were a number of things that really were weighing me down, the anniversary to my surgery, my winter hibernation, and our current medical insurance fiasco just to name a few.  One of the things that really bothered me was how I felt like I was not being as involved in my children's education as I wanted to be.  There were a few things that happened that made me feel like a idiot for not noticing sooner.  I won't get into the actual details but my oldest son had some things going on at school that I had no idea the importance of but when I found out I felt terrible for not realizing.  He also had this one teacher that messed up on one of his grades (should have been an A but she had a B) and he had told me he was worried about her correcting it but I thought the teacher had time so I didn't push it, middle school has been a hard adjustment for me trying to not get involved....  I dropped the ball on that one because the report card showed the incorrect grade and now it's to late.  I could have handled that so different and now I'm kicking myself :(   Then my youngest had some things going on at school(not grade related) and I feel so naive to not have noticed the signs before.  His situation is a little different because it all comes down to his anxiety with my diagnosis which he has struggled with very bad but how did I miss not seeing how this was affecting him at school?

On the same note as my son, he is not the only one that has had a hard time emotionally gripping my diagnosis.  There a couple of ladies in my life that have told me in the last month or so how much they emotionally were effected by my cancer.  I didn't even know this was going on either :( They basically told me how they fell into depression while trying to be there for me and my needs.  I love them for this, and could never repay them for what they have done but I can't help but to feel the sadness that comes along with knowing that. I can't help but to feel responsible for them spending  time on worrying, however that is what love will make you do.  There does hold some truth to a loved one being diagnosed with cancer, you feel like you were diagnosed right with them :( I would do the same for them and that is what makes our relationships priceless.  Once again, how did I miss this?

Winter is hard for me being stuck inside.  I always feel like we see less of our friends and just all around less activity during the winter and it puts me into a type of winter depression.  Then you top it off with my year anniversary that has taken me on a trip to revisit that dark time after I got diagnosed just does not help at all.  I have an added anxiety about getting sick to the point that I am a crazy person, wiping down the carts, not touching doors, and whipping out the antibacterial every chance I get. Even though my chemo was a year ago, my immune system has not repaired itself and my levels are all out of whack, being spleen less adds to that craziness.  I think it's just a funky winter for me.

Even though I live a lot different than I did before my diagnosis, my new care free ways do not take away the questioning of myself.  Am I doing my job as a mother?  Am I being a good friend? What about trying to keep in touch with family... am I doing that enough?  Am I being a good listener?  I hope I am not being selfish... Am I being active enough? I hope my kids look up to me...  Am I taking care of myself the way I should?  The everyday cycle remains the same even though your life gets interrupted through different circumstances.  I do not really know why I put this pressure on myself with all these questions,   but I am only human and admit to my flaws at all times!  I do not think that what I have been through has made me question myself more, I think as a woman, and as a mother we tend to do this without even knowing.  Not perfection but to just be good :)

So my goal is to NOT question myself.  I can't do it all, even though I do try at times :)  I have learned more about myself in the last year and it literally only took me 40 years and cancer to do this!  I can't wait for the spring to come, because I do believe sunshine is a MUST in my life to keep away from those winter blues.  Until then I will just be creating my own Sunshine :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Can you believe it has been a year?

2-2-15 I was operated on to remove my cancer. I was an emotional mess to say the least.  I played it off I thought pretty well but the underlined fear I cannot explain to anyone.  Anyone that has been told they have cancer, or let alone any other major health life threatening problems can understand that moment when you were given the news.  I still can remember like it was yesterday when my doctor called to tell me what my diagnosis was, my whole life flashed in front of my eyes.  There was a little part of what he was saying was pure disbelief and I prayed for a miracle that it was not what he thought but in my mind I just knew.  We decided it wasn't going to affect us, we were going to live as normal as we ever did.... I wish it was so easy.  I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't stop crying, I started thinking about what I needed to accomplish in case I did not make it through.  I know, I know, how can I think negative, you are suppose to think POSITIVE all the time so that you can FIGHT.... I'm calling BS on that because anyone that is hit with a cancer diagnosis has those little thoughts of the "What ifs".

 I did get through those dark days and once I found my course of action/treatment I did climb out of my hole to get everything situated before my surgery.  During this time I did lose track of important days, birthdays, appointments, and school activities.  My mind was all over the place so mostly everyone completely understood and cut me some slack :)  As absent minded as I was about those things, I was to busy prepping my family, my house and myself for this surgery that scared the living crap out of me.  I cleaned my house top to bottom, drawers, closets and replenishing supplies along the way.  You would have thought I was not going to be home for a year, but in some way that helped me to know everything was set up.  I honestly had NO idea how long I would be gone.  The problem with my cancer is you do not know how bad it is until you are opened up in surgery.  So I had heard some patients recovered quick, in and out of hospital in 7-10 days with no problems  Then the other stories were horrific, in the hospital for months, complications every other day and recovery took a year.  It's hard to plan when there is the unknowing in front of you.   

As I visited my close friends and family up to my surgery day, looking back I wanted them to know I love them and am so happy to have them in my life.  I made sure I had lunch, dinner and just conversed with everyone that meant so much to me. I wish I had done that more before I actually got diagnosed instead of waiting.   The hardest was the kids by far.  When you don't know how things are going to end up and then you have to kiss your kids goodbye, there is nothing else I can say.   

2-2-15 I had major surgery and truck loads of heated chemo pushed in and out of my body all at one time.  I woke up from that surgery with my husband holding my hand, my beautiful daughter smiling at me and my father sitting by my side.  I looked down at my long incision, checked out all my different tubes, drains, yellow chemo caution stickers and wires.  All I could think is Thank-god I woke up and everyone is smiling so things must be ok. My husband confirmed that I was good by simply saying, "You are cancer free".   Imagine how I felt at that point :)

It has been a year today and it seems like yesterday.  So much has happened since then and continues to happen. I have had a great year in so many ways and blessed beyond belief.  I recovered great from my surgery actually better than I thought I would. I learned how to live with my new normals. I have enjoyed more time with my family and friends. I have smelled the roses, made lots of memories, and most of all lived with all I have.  One year ago today I was unsure on what my future held or if I would be here to talk about it.  Isn't life crazy sometimes :)

Friday, January 22, 2016

I find myself.....My daughter's 21st birthday

As my daughter's 21st birthday approaches this Sunday the 24th, I find myself reminiscing on the last 21 years as her mother.  WOW!  If you really take the time and go through your memory bank it really does bring tears of joy to my eyes.

 When I got pregnant with her I was just 20 years old.  I had decided early on that my place in this world was as a wife and mother.  While everyone else was going off to college and living their young lives, I was settling down and getting married.  I really did not think it would happen so fast but I was pregnant within days of being married.  Shocked, young and scared I was still so excited to have this little baby in my life.  We had one car, lived in a small apartment and we worked our butts off, not making very much money so I was terrified !! :( My pregnancy was so easy and even though I was 2 weeks overdue, after being induced and 3 hours of labor, my little girl was born.  She was perfect!  Her father and I were by all means, newbies.  We were very blessed to have his family.  They would beg to watch her any chance they could and that allowed us to go to the grocery store.... that was our Friday nights :)   She was the best child ever!!  I think she spoiled me by being so good.

She was my strength through some very hard times, because she loved me I got through it all :)  Her father and I worked very close together after our divorce to make her the top priority.  She was loved by all and that made her one happy little girl. She has grown into such an amazing young woman
 and to think that it is already her 21st birthday just blows my mind.  I can still remember dropping her off for Kindergarten and crying like a baby while her dad said, whats going to happen when she leaves for college..... Of course I cried like a baby, as I do every time she leaves to go back to school.

I find myself telling her things that she will need to know in life, almost as if I am not going to be here to tell her myself.  I don't mean to do that but because of my diagnosis, I view tomorrow a little different than I did before.  I don't want any regrets and if it means showing her how to clean properly, how to manage money, or giving her family recipes, this is my way of trying to teach her everything I know just in case.

I also find myself simply watching her grow.  Like I have always done, I love watching her change into these different phases of her life.  I look at her and think that whatever I did, I did it well (toot, toot) :)  I do think that most of my approach on raising children focuses on lots of love, and attention.  I am being completely honest by saying that my children have not gone a day in their lives without getting a hug,  a kiss and I love you from me.  With that being said, I find myself thinking more about what the future brings.  I find myself remembering all of these life events with my beautiful daughter, all of her first that I have been there for.  I find myself sometimes getting sad that there are no guarantees on always being around for my children's milestones.  I don't think that I am thinking negative at all, reality has just smacked me to many times to think any other way.  I find myself soaking in every second I can, of every experience I can.  I find myself feeling bittersweet about her turning 21 this week, where does the time go.   I find myself holding on to every minute I can with her until she leaves my home for good, and starts her own journey in life.  Most of all I find myself over joyed with how lucky I am that she chose me as her mother and how extremely proud I am of her, My Daughter :)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

New year, New Doctor

We traveled to Baltimore last week to meet a new doctor that we had heard and read about on most Pseudomyxoma related websites.  It was a surgeon that I was familiar with but we never reached out before because we found the surgeon in Illinois.  Long story short after I received the call from the Illinois surgeon the day after Thanksgiving I have not spoken to him again.  Who knows what happened and why he did not return my calls, I am still wondering if he never received the messages?  We knew immediately after the initial call that we were going to reach out to a few other doctors just to get a second opinion on these new findings.  Anyone, with any bigger health issues MUST always keep their options open and it is nothing personal but I have said, "it is my life we are talking about", so I can't feel bad to seek other opinions.  We contacted the surgeon in Baltimore and his assistant was so helpful getting everything she needed to set up a consultation with the doctor.  Everything got set up before Christmas so after the holidays I could hardly sleep knowing that I was closer to my visit.  I tried not to think about it, but it was hard because I was so angry that just a year ago almost to the day I was going to meet the surgeon in Illinois to schedule my surgery.  In the back of my head I thought that is what I was going to be doing during this visit with the new doctor, scheduling another surgery.

We got to Baltimore the day before the appointment so we decided to go find some place to eat.  It is funny because we do not get to go out much just the two of us and it seems like when we travel we actually get to go on dates :)  We had a very nice night, stuffing our faces and just looking around the city.  The next morning we had to be at the hospital for my day of testing by 6 am. In between all my test we got to meet another couple that has gone to same doctor and is 6+ years cancer free.  Her husband was doing his testing so she was so kind to go with us to get something to eat and talk about his story along with giving us information about the doctor.  I was amazed with everything she was telling us and everything this doctor has done for others in my same shoes.  I really needed that talk!   I was now ready to meet this doctor and find out how I felt about him.  Let me start by saying every doctor is different but I had never had such a complete exam in my whole life!  He then took us into his office and sat down next to us with the computer to show us my scans.  Slide by slide, explaining everything to us.  He said the report said negative, no signs of cancer!  He however stated he likes to look for himself.  He found two small, pee size spots, he stated they are so small they could be anything.  My husband made him repeat to me that he would not call it a recurrence at this time, because sometimes I do not hear everything(or at least thats what my husband says :)  As aggressive as he is, he would not do an operation on these small spots because he would want to  make sure it was cancer first.  His thoughts were not very far off from the doctor in Illinois but the doctor in Illinois said it was a very good chance it was cancer where this doctor is saying there is a very good chance it is not.  The other difference is the Illinois doctor said that he would want to watch and wait over time and until it showed aggressiveness then operate.  The doctor in Baltimore said the second he thought it was cancer he would want to get it out. That is what I needed to hear!  I am not a sit around and wait kind of person, especially if I have the choice to take care of it.

The doctor looked at me and told me that I would be ok and he would continue my care moving forward.  He also said that if we needed to beat the cancer down again in the future that he feels very confident that we could do another operation and I could be right there with many other of his long time survivors!  SOLD!!  That's all I needed to hear!  I felt this huge sense of relief, I know it sounds weird but I actually started to breath again.  I hugged him, (because I am a hugger), and he said he would see me in 4 months to make sure nothing changes :)  His assistant was still in the room when he left and I just broke down.  All the stress, all the sleepless nights, all the worrying, and all the unanswered questions came out with every tear that rolled down my face.  I knew that I was in the right place and I knew that this doctor would do whatever he possibly could to make sure I was ok, within his power :)

We left and went back to the hotel where I immediately fell asleep, and boy did I need some sleep :)  Reflecting back on all that has transpired over the last 6 weeks I know that we made the right choice.  I do not harbor any hard feelings towards my old doctor, I do think he is a great surgeon.  I just think I needed something else that I was not getting from him.   Everyone is different and everyone handles things differently.  There may have been patients that did not immediately have the same feelings with this doctor the way I did but there are a lot of patients that I know for a fact do love him.  I have to go back to my saying that everything happens for a reason and my old doctor not getting back to me was meant to happen.

 This is a new year for me and I have so much I want to do!  I want to travel, I want to spend lots of time with my family,  I want to hike, I want to watch more sunsets on the water,  I want to raise money for MY type of cancer research,  I want to meet new people but spend time with my great group of friends,  I want to keep exploring myself, I want to knit hats for people that have lost their hair due to cancer, I want to hug everyone :0),  I want to make more memories, I most of all want to dance like no one is watching, hell I will dance when everyone is watching!  There is no end to my list,  New Year, and New Doctor for me :)