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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

If only I was rich, I would travel all the time!

Once again we decided to schedule a mini-vacation during the kids fall break.  We finished all the details about a month ago, so just like the cruise it was scheduled with the "What the hell, why not", mentality.  The new me is doing this a lot lately and if I keep going we could just end up broke :) This time it was DisneyWorld that we chose to escape to and what better place but the happiest place on earth!  The boys had no idea, so we set it up for my in-laws to surprise them once we got off the plane.  It was priceless!  The boys were sooooo excited and I wish like so many times before that we could bottle up those looks on their faces :)

We packed as much into the 5 days that we could and when I tell you that I fought through it, I really mean I fought through it. Anyone that has gone to Disney World knows that it is a go, go and go type of vacation.  We went from 9 in morning to midnight every night, with no down time at all.  We were averaging walking over 10+ miles a day and by the end of the night my back and feet were screaming at me.  This was the first time since my diagnosis that I have pushed myself to these physical limits and honestly it was very hard.  I will say there was no way that I was not going to fight through a lot of the new normals for me on this trip because I wanted to get the most out of it for my family.

As positive as I am about my diagnosis I have said that I do have those moments where I get those split second thoughts out of the blue.  While on this trip I did not think about anything but what we were doing next but then out of now where I would think how much I had to make this trip so spectacular because "what-if" I didn't get to do this again. Even when I was on my all-time favorite ride, Soarin, I found myself getting emotional because of those thoughts.  I even hate to write that down because I do want to live and work so hard on not living with the "what-if" mentality.  Then all of a sudden I see or hear of someones reoccurrence and it triggers off in my head that I am not out of the woods ever because my cancer isn't considered curable.....  I hate that part of cancer in general with anyone, the worrying.  It doesn't matter how strong, positive, or religious we are on a daily basis, those thoughts sometimes do come up.  However, I would definitely say those thoughts are insignificant compared to all great times we have.

We have traveled and vacationed more in the last 6 months then we ever have and I can thank my diagnosis for this.  Also when we get away, I truly get away from everything.  It is the greatest feeling in the world to just escape from reality, the everyday hustles and bustles of life.  I love it!! If we could do this all the time I think that those worries would stay tucked away where they should be.  It is always a little depressing for me to have to come back but then I think about all the reasons that we can't be full time travelers.  For our family, our friends are very important back home so we would not want to live away from them.  Also, we love our comfy home and community.  Actually our family as a whole loves spending time watching movies, eating our meals together and just being at home in general.  One of the biggest reason's we can't travel all the time of course has to do with money   I know they say you don't need money to be happy but I am a firm believer that money does make things easier in life and with it we could travel more!!!!!  It sucks having to be responsible sometimes but it is important for us our children have stability in life because growing up I was not so lucky.  I want them to grow up with their best friends, go to a great school and live in OUR family home where we make memories.  That is really the main reason why we can't travel all the time, or travel all the time yet :)

Everybody has different goals in life and we all should be living our life the way we choose to.  Our goals have changed the last 10 months.  We use to live for the future, saving, and literally dreaming of what we would do someday.  Now we live for today, making our dreams come true.  We can't do everything we want to immediately but we are going to make those dreams reality sooner than later.  We will continue to travel more and not stress about paying things off before we do it.  We will also save for the future but not every penny.  We might travel a little different when it comes to saving money on our traveling because then guess what, we can do more traveling if we do that!  Also, we want to explore, we want to explore places we have never been but look so beautiful in pictures :)  We are going to enjoy our reality as much as we can because no matter what we do there are no guarantees in this thing called life. No one knows what the future brings!  I will push through my new normal and pain because it feels so good to know that I have the ability to do that when others might not be so lucky. If only I was rich, I would travel all the time and my family and friends would be right by my side making every second count with me!

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