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Monday, June 1, 2015

My strength came from you :)

I have been reflecting a lot lately on how I was able to get through this crazy time in my life.  Down to when I got diagnosed, to my surgery and now my recovery.  I mean I know some say I am strong person but I would personally question that at times. I can say I know I have a high tolerance for pain but that does not mean I am mentally strong. Now sitting here one day before my 4 month anniversary to my crazy surgery, I have realized I am stronger than I ever thought I was!  I can say without a doubt though that my strength through all this came from my family and friends.  Their kind words, cards, flowers, meals, texts, calls and prayers allowed me to find that strength that I needed to get through this roller coaster called cancer.  I can remember when I found out what I had, I didn't want to talk to anyone.  I could not even talk to my family without losing it, and who wants to talk to someone that is hysterical every time you call..... Those that know me know that I have the BESTEST friend in the whole wide world and neither her or I could talk to each other on the phone because we were both such a mess.  My husband=My Hero did not only put on the hat of caregiver, Mr.Mom, medical liaison but also communicator to all.  He became the one that would pick up everything that I just couldn't handle at the time which most of all was communicating with others, doctors, family and friends.  He would tell me every kind word that everyone said as they called to check in or just to tell us they were praying for us.  There were friends that we had not spoken to in years, family that lived all over the world, new friends and people that we knew through business, church, sports, that would reach out to us to just to say they were thinking and praying for us.  It didn't take long before those words started to absorb and help me build the armour I needed to fight this war.  I felt the strength in prayers and love that was surrounded me and to be honest I never knew there was so much until this happened.  We set up a game plan to go through my surgery which included my mother-n-law taking over my motherly duties for the boys after surgery, she actually took FMLA to do this :)  My husband, never left my side until my baby sister flew up to the hospital to relieve him and be there for me.  The nurses would always tell me they loved coming in my room because it smelled like a garden.  So many people sent flowers we ran out of places to put them so we shared them with the nurses stations:)  I had many visitors, aunts, uncles, cousins, family and friends that it definitely made my hospital stay fly right by.  My best friend took 2 weeks vacation to come help me when I left the hospital.  She definitely kicked started my recovery because she did not give me a opportunity to feel sorry for myself or become depressed.  All the meals everyone provided was unbelievable.  We did not have to cook anything for a good month.  Both my sisters came up and spent time with me also to help me any way possible.  Cleaning, cooking, helping with the kids and most of all just sitting by my side.  Friends brought gifts, family checked up on me daily and everyone was still sending their thoughts and prayers.   I know it seems like I am repeating myself but this cannot even begin to explain how much love was thrown our way during this time.  I have thought many times how I could thank my loved ones for all they sacrificed to help us and by simply being there for me.  I don't think I could ever thank them enough! I felt the power of prayer every day and still do.  I can whole heartily tell you that without this outpouring of love I question how I would have handled this all.
As you read this please remember how much it means to someone to just call, text or let them know is someway you are there for them.  It has changed my life for the better and I want you all to know at the end of the day, "MY STRENGTH CAME FROM YOU!"

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